Saturday, January 21, 2012

Let me introduce you to WeAct

Although this week has been filled with the time consuming task of grant writing in an effort to be able to keep services up- and- running and to branch out... instead of going into details, I would rather tell you about the my placement organization.... in the mean time just keep your fingers crossed that the grants are approved!

The 1994 genocide perpetrators utilized rape as weapon to infect Tutsi women with HIV. The result  continues to effect the women and youth of Rwanda seventeen years later. Post genocide, an influx of ART (antiretroviral treatment) was given to the Rwandan government to address the HIV pandemic. However, the government decided to give the ART to male prisoner, genocide participants.

 Rwanda has a long  history of women collectively forming associations to address the betterment of their communities, so several associations made an effort to address this social injustice.  In response, The Women Equity for Access to Care and Treatment (WeAct) was established in 2004 with the mission to provide HIV medical care to all women and their children (mother to child transmission).

With U.S. AIDS research and medical physician collaboration with the women's associations,  began the journey to establish a clinic to serve the HIV infected victims of the genocide. Once the intake process began, the emotional trauma was an apparent need to be addressed, in addition to the medical care. Often in post conflict regions, lay counselors are trained in trauma counseling. So, partnering with Heartland Alliance (a Chicago based non profit) providers of trauma services both domestically with torture survivors and internationally with various post conflict regions, biannual training continues to take place with a staff of all Rwandan psychologist, psychiatric nurse, and three trauma counselors.

WeAct currently works with over 2,200 patients providing holistic medical and psychosocial care, income generating training, and legal advocacy.

My internship role is still in the works of being fleshed out, in the meantime, we have another grant for this week to write.

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